Application for Copies of Examination Scripts

Complete this form to apply for copies of your examination scripts.

Non-publishable examination papers remain the property of the University and you can arrange to view a Non-publishable examination script for 15 minutes under supervision.

Complete a new application for each trimester.

Before completing this application, familiarise yourself with the relevant guidelines.

Provide the Year and Trimester of your exam. e.g. 2022/ B Trimester
Provide the Paper code and Paper title of the exam script you wish to receive/view.
Provide the Paper code and Paper title of the exam script you wish to receive/view.
Provide the Paper code and Paper title of the exam script you wish to receive/view.
Provide the Paper code and Paper title of the exam script you wish to receive/view.
I accept that I'm only permitted to view Non-publishable examination scripts for 15 minutes under supervision.
I confirm that:
I confirm that:

Contact us

Student Centre (Hamilton) or the Hub on Level 1 (Tauranga)

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm
Student Centre University of Waikato Private Bag 3105 Hamilton