Tutor development

At Te Puna Ako Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning, we provide training, resources, and support to casual or part-time tutors, demonstrators and sessional assistants.

Introduction to Tutoring Programme

Are you new to casual tutoring at the University of Waikato? Have you tutored before, but would like a refresher? Please join us for introductory training for casual or part-time tutors, demonstrators and sessional assistants. The training will cover roles/responsibilities, techniques for facilitating active learning, approaches to grading and feedback, and key teaching technologies (Moodle, Panopto, and Zoom). 

  • Hamilton: Tuesday 25th February 2025, 11am-2pm in I.1.05 
  • Tauranga: Friday 28th February 2025, 12-3pm in TCBD.2.12 

Food will be provided, and paid time can be claimed for attending the training. 

Book a consultation

Hello Tutors!

If you have any questions or concerns to discuss, please don't hesitate to contact Brendan Sheridan (Hamilton) or Paul Woller (Tauranga) and feel free to make an appointment regarding:

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Managing and structuring tutorials
  • Referring students to other support services
  • Providing feedback and assessing students' work
  • Engaging and dealing with students
  • Any other point related to your job role