Student safety
Learn about student safety initiatives at the University, including resources for personal safety, emergency procedures, and support services for students.
Our security team is on call 24/7 and the main path, marked by blue stickers on lamposts and blue light phones, through the Hamilton campus is monitored by security cameras.
Most campus doors are locked after business hours and require ID card access. If you have forgotten your card, stop and see security, located in BX.
24/7 Security Service: call ext 4444 or 07 838 4444 (or use any of the ‘blue light’ phones around campus)
Our security service is on call for any reports of suspicious behaviour, or whenever you are feeling unsafe. After dark you can request a ‘safe walk’, where you will be walked to your car or residential hall.
Security staff also carry out foot patrols around campus, regular safety checks on computer labs and courtesy calls on people working late in University buildings.
24/7 Security Service: call 07 838 4444 or +64 22 013 0840
Building opening hours: 7:30am - 5:30pm, Monday to Friday
Weekend evenings card access: 5:30pm - 10:00pm (you will need your student card)
24 hour lab access: 10:00pm - 7:30am, Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday/Sunday (you will need your ID card and pin number. Entry is via Durham Lane)
Access to the halls of residence is controlled by swipe card. Residential Life Managers and residential staff are available 24/7. From Wednesday to Saturday, security staff are assigned to the student halls.
At the start of each year, residents receive orientation from Police, covering subjects including sexual contact and the law and safety in the community and Hamilton City.
All residential staff in the halls have two weeks of training, including sessions addressing sexual relationships and negotiating consent, University security protocols, mental health and wellbeing. In addition, staff are trained in the management of critical incidents (such as sexual assault) and how to give appropriate support and referrals.
Residential staff are required to monitor student safety and have a duty to act if they feel that a resident is at risk.
We take the safety of our students, both on and off-campus, very seriously. We are committed to ensuring our students can enjoy their time at the University of Waikato in an environment of safety and respect.
This includes holding our staff, students and visitors to high standards of personal behaviour and academic integrity, and providing safe ways for students to let us know if another student or staff member has breached those standards.
Bullying, Harassment and Support
We do not tolerate bullying, harassment (including sexual harassment) or discrimination, agression, violence (including sexual violence) or threatening behaviour. Students and staff are expected to act honestly, conscientiously, reasonably and in good faith at all times.
If you feel unsafe, or need advice or support, check out the options below: