Waikato celebrates launch of Cook Islands-based teacher training programme
Students in the Cook Islands now have the opportunity to study a teacher training programme with the University of Waikato.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
We have a world-leading teacher education programme and myriad research groups focused on improving education outcomes.
There are generous visiting and borrowing provisions for the public at our libraries, including free ongoing access to all alumni.
We offer an extensive array of workshops, school visits and education programmes in STEM subjects through the School of Science and School of Engineering.
Staff are entitled to free tuition so they can embrace lifelong learning.
We have year-round professorial public lectures and other events offered free to the general public.
Our dedicated centre called Te Puna Ako supports both staff with their teaching and students with study skills.
Our data-driven learner success programme called Ōritetanga helps pinpoint achievement gaps using machine learning.
Multiple pathways to help future students meet entry criteria and close monitoring and support to maximise student success.
Commitment to the development of Māori teachers, including scholarships, mentorship and targeted support to schools to help develop those already in the workforce.
Our engagement with schools and commmunities through our Science Outreach and Experience Engineering programmes.
We are enormously proud of the work led by Professor Mere Berryman and her colleagues at Poutama Pounamu for their work which has spanned more than two decades, helping to indigenise the culture of schools and other education centres around New Zealand and decolonise the structures of these same settings. Poutama Pounamu offers both in-school facilitation, in-school blended learning and an ongoing Master's programme. They are helping create more equitable opportunities for Māori children so they can develop their potential and take their rightful place in society.
Te Kura Toi Tangata | School of Education is committed to enhancing education through the three interconnected disciplines of teaching, research and professional learning. They offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications with flexible delivery options. Students can also opt to study education through a social science lens, examining the role education plays in our lives and how social and cultural settings shape our development. Te Whai Toi Tangata Institute of Professional Learning provides high-quality professional learning opportunities across the education sector in New Zealand, offering a host of workshops for teachers in areas ranging from enhancing student agency to improving engagement with families and gifted education.
The Science Learning Hub – Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao have jumped on board the global science classroom initiative LabXchange.
Created at Harvard University with support from the Amgen Foundation, LabXchange is a powerful digital tool making high-quality science education more accessible.
LabXchange is formatted so those in developing countries or in areas with poor internet access can access content and plan meaningful lesson plans and pathways for learners.
The Science Learning Hub is a STEMM education portal that collaborates with scientists, experts, and educators to create free quality resources for educators and their learners. The project is funded by the New Zealand government and operates out of the Wilf Malcolm Institute of Educational Research at the University of Waikato.
The Waikato Management School was the first business school in New Zealand to embed sustainability within its education programmes and the first Australasian business school to be accepted into the Academy of Business in Society (ABIS).
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