The University of Newcastle and the University of Waikato

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With a Student Exchange Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding already in place, The University of Waikato and The University of Newcastle are enthusiastic about creating additional avenues for collaboration through the development and formalisation of a strategic partnership.

The two tertiary providers have several research commonalities, particularly across the Indigenous engagement, social sciences and engineering disciplines.

Delegations from each of the universities visited the other’s campus in 2022 in a demonstration of the commitment to explore opportunities to work more closely together and increase research capabilities and engagement with teaching and learning.


Dr Raymond Kelly, Dr Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai, Professor Alex Zelinsky, Professor Neil Quigley, Dr Te Kahautu Maxwell, and Professor Kent Anderson.

Partnership seed fund

The University of Waikato and The University of Newcastle invite all staff members to take advantage of our partnership seed fund. The fund is intended to support collaborative research, teaching, and/or professional services projects between our two institutions. Applicants will need to clearly demonstrate measurable outcomes of their projects and how their collaboration will develop going forward.

View information about previously funded projects.

2025 Round

Applications due: 10 March 2025 (midnight AEST)
Peer review and funding panel: March-April
Applicants notified: 5 May 2025
Project time: June-December 2025
Reports due: 28 February 2026

If you are interested in being involved as a peer reviewer, please contact

Interested in collaborating?

Further Information

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