I tautoko te Whare Wānanga o Waikato me te Kura Toi Tangata ki ngā whāinga o te iwi Māori. He kaiārahi ngā manu taiko i roto i ngā wānanga, ngā whare wānanga, ngā kura me ngā manatū o te Kāwana.
Ngā hōtaka rumaki
Te Ara Poutama Toitū Te Reo (Undergraduate)
I ngā tohu Te Ara Poutama Toitū Te Reo ka puta te tauira hei toa ki te reo Māori, hei toa ki te whakaako i ngā marautanga e hāngai ana ki te tūmomo reanga ( kōhungahunga, kura tuatahi, wharekura) ka tohua e rātou.
Te Ara Hou Te Ahikāroa (Postgraduate)
He tohu tēnei mō te hunga kua whai pūkenga, whai wheako, whai mahi, whai tohu mātauranga rānei, ki te kaupapa o te ako i roto i ngā wharekura, kura tuarua rānei.
Tohu Paerua (Postgraduate)
Mehemea he Tohu Paetahi ā kua rehitatia hei pouako ka taea te tono ki te hōtaka Te Rōpū Tohu Paerua . He tohu PGDipEd (Kaupapa Arareo Māori) ā ka taea te hono ēnei pepa e whā ki tāu whainga i tāu Tohu Paerua.
If you are a qualified teacher interested in postgraduate study there is Te Rōpū Tohu Paerua which is a PGDipEd (Māori Medium Teaching) qualification. These papers can also be taken as part of a Master of Education.
This specialisation is offered to teachers and graduates involved or wishing to be involved in Māori medium teaching contexts. The programme offers a critical examination of theories of first and second language acquisition, learning, teaching and assessment, indigenous theory and practice, indigenous language revival as well as leadership in the context of Māori medium education in Aotearoa New Zealand. This programme also introduces potential researchers to Kaupapa Māori research methodology. This programme is delivered through the medium of te reo Māori.
Note: A TeachNZ Study Award is available for this programme
This specialisation has three required content papers and a required research methods paper (four papers in total).
Required papers
- MAOED501 Mātauranga Reo Māori
- MAOED502 Tirohanga Whakahaere
- MAOED503 Te Whakaora Reo: Mātauranga Rumaki
- MAOED500 Kaupapa Māori Research
If you are considering studying towards a Master of Education specialising in Māori Medium Teaching | Te Rōpū Tohu Paerua the four papers mentioned previously are part of our overall study programme and additionally you need to take a further 60 points.
This can be completed in two ways:
- 30 points from a directed study and 30 points from subject paper which can be further papers from any subject or specialisation offered for the Master of Education, or from the Master of Educational Leadership
- 60 points from a dissertation - to be eligible to undertake this research you need a B average across the required papers in the Māori Medium Teaching/Te Rōpū Tohu Paerua programme
We recommend you talk with the Programme Advisor to determine the best plan for you.